Meter to Mile


Length Units

A unit of length is the standard for measurement of length. The metre or meter is the base unit of length in the International System of Units.


The metre or meter unit is the base unit of length in the International System of Unit, symbol (m).


The mile unit is an English unit of length of linear measure equal to 5,280 feet, or 1,760 yards, and standardised as exactly 1,609.344 m.

Mile to Meter Formula

Multiply the mile value by 1609.344000
meter = mile x 1609.344000

Meter to Mile Formula

Divide the meter value by 1609.344000
mile = meter / 1609.344000

How many mile in a meter?

One meter (m) is equal to 0.000621 mile (mi)
1 meter (m) = 0.000621 mile (mi)

How many meter in a mile?

One mile (mi) is equal to 1609.344000 meter (m)
1 mile (mi) = 1609.344000 meter (m)