Cubic foot per minute to Cubic foot per second


Volume flow rate Units

The base unit of the volume flow rate is the cubic meters per second (m³/s). volumetric flow rate (others names: volumetric flow rate, volume flow rate, rate of fluid flow, volume velocity) symbol: (Q, V̇) is the volume of fluid that passes per unit time.

Cubic foot per minute

A Cubic Foot per Minute is a unit of volume flow rate. One Cubic Foot per Minute is equal to 4.719474432 x 10-4 cubic meters per second.

Cubic foot per second

1 Cubic Foot per Second: A flow rate of 1 cubic foot per second. In SI units 0.028316846592 cubic meters per second.

Cubic foot per second to Cubic foot per minute Formula

Multiply the cubic foot per second value by 60.000000
cubic foot per minute = cubic foot per second x 60.000000

Cubic foot per minute to Cubic foot per second Formula

Divide the cubic foot per minute value by 60.000000
cubic foot per second = cubic foot per minute / 60.000000

How many cubic foot per second in a cubic foot per minute?

One cubic foot per minute (CFM) is equal to 0.016667 cubic foot per second (ft³/s)
1 cubic foot per minute (CFM) = 0.016667 cubic foot per second (ft³/s)

How many cubic foot per minute in a cubic foot per second?

One cubic foot per second (ft³/s) is equal to 60.000000 cubic foot per minute (CFM)
1 cubic foot per second (ft³/s) = 60.000000 cubic foot per minute (CFM)