Candela per square foot to Stilb


Luminance Units

The luminance (Lᵥ) is the luminous flux per unit solid angle and unit source area. The SI units of the luminance are the candela per square meter.

Candela per square foot

A Candela Per Square Foot is a unit of luminance. One Candela Per Square Foot is equal to 10.763910417 candelas per square meter.


A stilb is a unit of luminance. One stilb is equal to 104 candelas per square meter.

Stilb to Candela per square foot Formula

Multiply the stilb value by 929.030400
candela per square foot = stilb x 929.030400

Candela per square foot to Stilb Formula

Divide the candela per square foot value by 929.030400
stilb = candela per square foot / 929.030400

How many stilb in a candela per square foot?

One candela per square foot (cd/ft²) is equal to 0.001076 stilb (sb)
1 candela per square foot (cd/ft²) = 0.001076 stilb (sb)

How many candela per square foot in a stilb?

One stilb (sb) is equal to 929.030400 candela per square foot (cd/ft²)
1 stilb (sb) = 929.030400 candela per square foot (cd/ft²)