Hertz to Revolution per minute


Frequency Units

Frequency is the occurrences of a repeating event per unit of time. The frequency base unit is hertz (Hz) which is equal to one occurrence of a repeating event per second.


The hertz (Hz) is the base unit of frequency.

Revolution per minute

Revolution per minute (rpm) is a unit of rotational speed or the frequency of rotation around a fixed axis. One Revolution per minute is equal to 0.01666666666666667 (Hz).

Revolution per minute to Hertz Formula

Divide the revolution per minute value by 60.000000
hertz = revolution per minute / 60.000000

Hertz to Revolution per minute Formula

Multiply the hertz value by 60.000000
revolution per minute = hertz x 60.000000

How many revolution per minute in a hertz?

One hertz (Hz) is equal to 60.000000 revolution per minute (rpm)
1 hertz (Hz) = 60.000000 revolution per minute (rpm)

How many hertz in a revolution per minute?

One revolution per minute (rpm) is equal to 0.016667 hertz (Hz)
1 revolution per minute (rpm) = 0.016667 hertz (Hz)