Square meter to Square yard


Area Units

Square meter (m²) is the base unit of area (A) in the International System of Units (SI).

Square meter

The square metre or square meter unit is the base unit of area, symbol: (m2).
One square metre is equal to 0.000001 square kilometre (km2) equal to 0.0001 hectares (ha) equal to 0.01 ares (a) and equal to 10.763911 square feet.

Square yard

The square yard (gaz) is an imperial unit of area. 1 square yard is equal to 1296 square inches equal to 9 square feet equal to 0.00020661157 acres equal to0.83612736 square metres.

Square yard to Square meter Formula

Divide the square yard value by 1.195990
square meter = square yard / 1.195990

Square meter to Square yard Formula

Multiply the square meter value by 1.195990
square yard = square meter x 1.195990

How many square yard in a square meter?

One square meter (m²) is equal to 1.195990 square yard (yd²)
1 square meter (m²) = 1.195990 square yard (yd²)

How many square meter in a square yard?

One square yard (yd²) is equal to 0.836127 square meter (m²)
1 square yard (yd²) = 0.836127 square meter (m²)