Faraday to Statcoulomb


Electric charge Units

Electric charge (Q), The SI derived unit of electric charge is the coulomb (C).


Faraday is a unit of electricity. One Faraday is equal to 96485.3383 coulombs.


The statcoulomb (symbol: statC) is the unit of electric charge. One statcoulomb is equal to 3.335641 x 10-10 (C).

Statcoulomb to Faraday Formula

Divide the statcoulomb value by 289255763135181.500000
faraday = statcoulomb / 289255763135181.500000

Faraday to Statcoulomb Formula

Multiply the faraday value by 289255763135181.500000
statcoulomb = faraday x 289255763135181.500000

How many statcoulomb in a faraday?

One faraday (F) is equal to 289255763135181.500000 statcoulomb (statC)
1 faraday (F) = 289255763135181.500000 statcoulomb (statC)

How many faraday in a statcoulomb?

One statcoulomb (statC) is equal to 0.000000 faraday (F)
1 statcoulomb (statC) = 0.000000 faraday (F)