Cubic meter per second to Cubic inch per minute


Volume flow rate Units

The base unit of the volume flow rate is the cubic meters per second (m³/s). volumetric flow rate (others names: volumetric flow rate, volume flow rate, rate of fluid flow, volume velocity) symbol: (Q, V̇) is the volume of fluid that passes per unit time.

Cubic meter per second

A cubic meter per second (m³/s) is a derived SI unit of volume flow rate.

Cubic inch per minute

A Cubic Inch per Minute is a unit of volume flow rate. One Cubic Inch per Minute is equal to 2.73117733 x 10-7 cubic meters per second.

Cubic inch per minute to Cubic meter per second Formula

Divide the cubic inch per minute value by 3661424.645684
cubic meter per second = cubic inch per minute / 3661424.645684

Cubic meter per second to Cubic inch per minute Formula

Multiply the cubic meter per second value by 3661424.645684
cubic inch per minute = cubic meter per second x 3661424.645684

How many cubic inch per minute in a cubic meter per second?

One cubic meter per second (m³/s) is equal to 3661424.645684 cubic inch per minute (in³/min)
1 cubic meter per second (m³/s) = 3661424.645684 cubic inch per minute (in³/min)

How many cubic meter per second in a cubic inch per minute?

One cubic inch per minute (in³/min) is equal to 0.000000 cubic meter per second (m³/s)
1 cubic inch per minute (in³/min) = 0.000000 cubic meter per second (m³/s)